5 Items Your Credit Card Will Not Let You Purchase
Credit cards have shown the ability to increase your buying power. However, it turns out that there are certain inappropriate things that you cannot purchase with your credit card. While all credit card companies want you to use their card to help you with purchases, they will not approve of a few purchases. These transactions are treated as quite risky transactions and cannot be allowed by the credit card companies. Here are five items that your credit card will not let you buy.
It doesn’t matter if you are buying it for medical purpose or for recreation, this transaction can only be made in cash.

Online pornography
Your American Express Card will not allow you to buy online pornography although it is federally legal. There is an unacceptably high level of consumer dispute in the digital adult content industry. It raises the administrative costs for a credit company to deal with these disputes. This is why card companies do not allow you to buy online pornography.
Gambling chips
If you are in need of chips for a poker game, you need to buy them with cash.
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Lottery tickets
If you are looking to win millions, you cannot use your Discover or American Express credit card to get a chance. Both the credit card companies do not allow cardholders from purchasing lottery tickets since it is considered as a high-risk activity. Besides the companies, there are some states that prohibit the purchase of tickets with credit cards. Even retailers are hesitant to accept credit cards for purchases of lottery tickets as their sales commission is decreased due to the swipe fees they have to pay on the transaction.
WikiLeaks donations
After the information gathering website WikiLeaks leaked hundreds of classified diplomatic cables to the public in 2010, MasterCard and Visa blocked donations to the site. MasterCard does not allow its consumers to be engaged directly or indirectly in illegal activity.
If you believe that your credit card will let you buy anything you want, you are wrong. You will not be able to make purchases through your credit card for these five naughty things. Not many credit card companies appreciate any investment into the five listed items. Even federal laws do not allow an investment in these items. When it comes to these five purchases, credit card companies choose to stay away. If you intend to make a purchase of any of these listed items, you will only have to make it through the use of cash. Keep in mind these five items you cannot purchase with the credit card.
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